The Plan, The Actions, The Results and now the Reconnection begins........

Between September and November 2013, the DCA conducted an extensive community consultation and engagement campaign called DCA-Connects. This campaign was about connecting, listening and generating ideas about how the community could work together to shape Dampier’s future. The overall aim of the campaign was to utilise the ideas and opinions generated as the basis for the Dampier Community’s Plan – 2014 to 2019. This Plan allowed the DCA to work for the things that the community wanted, advocated for the things that are beyond the DCA’s capacity and, together with our community and partners, aimed to build a better future.

So here we are in 2019. It’s time to evaluate and reset, time to reconnect and plan our vision for the future of our community. A lot has changed here in Dampier in the past 5 years.

Are our priorities still the same as they were in 2013 ? ?

Where do we see ourselves in 2024 ??

What will the role of the DCA be over the next 5 years ??

So welcome back Dampier to The DCA-ReConnects campaign.

Come see us at the Dampier Beachside Markets in Aug /Sept /Oct and Nov to have your voice heard.

Open link to see full plan